Megapotency remedies from Getting Back on Track Book by Jill R. Turland, an Australian Homeopath. Jill and Bryan Barrass have researched several homeopathic remedies applicable to musculoeskeletal patterns related with emotional trauma. Together, they have resolved many complex chronic physical problems through the understanding of the psychological aspects of common homeopathic remedies.
Excerpt from the book:
" Ten common homeopathic remedies in very high (mega) potencies, can release commonly stored emotions, attitudes and false beliefs, thus allowing the body to heal itself of a wide range of physical complaints. Read what these crippling beliefs are, how they have allowed us to be led along, like lambs to the slaughter, by the nose, into a cul-de-sac of personal, social and medical ignorance -and what you do to get your life back on track".
Excerpt from the book:
" Ten common homeopathic remedies in very high (mega) potencies, can release commonly stored emotions, attitudes and false beliefs, thus allowing the body to heal itself of a wide range of physical complaints. Read what these crippling beliefs are, how they have allowed us to be led along, like lambs to the slaughter, by the nose, into a cul-de-sac of personal, social and medical ignorance -and what you do to get your life back on track".
Product Code: pHVEkc8
Brand: By Holistic Works
Product Condition: Used

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